Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Inner Strength.

"Miles and Miles of Heart".

"You might not find anything good about your life, but there's still ice cream. You might night find anything good about your life, bur there's still sunsets". -Erwin Mcmannus

Find the inner strength inside you to carry on, its there. Find the peace within you to keep your head held high. Its possible. You're loved far beyond what you know or understand. There is hope.

You will Succeed, never give up.  

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I'm older than you, and I've found that ice cream aggravates my arthritis. So I shall have to settle for sunsets. Although now and then, I still eat ice cream. *smile*

    Nice quote.

    And it is good to remember that we have a strength inside that is God-given. He is the great Encourager and the Strength-Giver.
